The City’s Executive Mayor, Alderman Dan Plato, hosted a drive at Athlone Stadium to encourage the 18-34 age group to get vaccinated. Vaccinations for over 18s opened on 1 September and has been picking up slowly. Thus far, 126 585 have been fully vaccinated, while 246 706 have been partially vaccinated.
- By City of Cape Town
- By City of Cape Town
Mayor Plato was supported by more than 100 members of the Life Counts Youth initiative. The group was excited to be vaccinated and encouraged their peers to do the same. The Life Counts Youth initiative is a Mayoral Outreach project active in over 60 areas across the metro, focused on personal development and peer mentoring programmes.
‘We are continuing to create awareness among the 18-34 age group regarding the benefits of getting the vaccine, through emphasising the evidence of how it offers greater protection against severe illness, hospitalisation and death. I am sure you also want normal life to resume as soon as possible, and to be able to hug your friends and socialise with more peace of mind. Today’s event is part of a continued awareness initiative around getting the vaccine and we encourage all to get the jab as soon as possible,’ said Executive Mayor Dan Plato.
‘Getting vaccinated means life can return to relative normality and I’m sure all of us would like to experience a proper Summer season to enjoy quality time with friends and family,’ added Mayor Plato.
In the metro, 1 655 735 vaccine doses have been administered, while on a provincial level more than 2 500 000 vaccines have been given, including healthcare workers, staff in the education sector and those within eligible age brackets.
Vaccination drives have been conducted in various areas across the metro and the province, with mobile vans and pop-up vaccination sites.
Western Cape fully vaccinates over 1 million people
Over the past week, the Western Cape government marked the milestone of fully vaccinating over one million people. We commend those who have been vaccinated to protect themselves and those around them.
If you have concerns or hesitancy, it is encouraged that you consult with your GP and engage with family members or friends on their vaccination experience.
Registration for Covid-19 vaccination is open on the EVDS for those aged 18 and older and SMS appointments will be sent to people in this age group who have successfully registered.
Register using one of the following options: USSD free service: dial *134*832# With the expected fourth wave anticipated to arrive around December, it’s important that as many of us are protected against Covid-19 as possible. Those who have not yet registered on EVDS are encouraged to register and get vaccinated ahead of the next wave. |