The Big 5 Construct Nigeria will become the premier international building and construction event in Lagos and marks the brand’s launch in west Africa.

dmg events, the leading international events company, will launch The Big 5 Construct Nigeria next year from 10 to 12 September 2019 at the Landmark Centre in Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city.

The Big 5 Construct Nigeria introduces the successful Big 5 international construction brand to Lagos, and significant demand from international construction suppliers has already shown that they will welcome this new channel into a valuable regional market.

“The opportunity to adapt The Big 5 brand to this new region was ripe for development,” says Andy White, senior vice president, Construction. “Over the past three years dmg events has expanded into southern, east and north Africa through a combination of new launches and strategic acquisitions. Bringing our most successful construction brand, which is thriving in other locations, to Lagos is a logical and exciting next step.”

With the largest population in Africa, Nigeria is one of the economic powerhouses of the region and the continent. The International Monetary Fund forecasted the country’s economy would grow by 2.1% this year, while the World Bank suggests that the country’s growth will strengthen in the medium term, helping it to reach 2.8% by 2019. This outlook has already encouraged foreign investment into the country via government debt instruments. By the end of the first quarter this year the country attracted USD16-billion, up 300% year-on-year.

Funds are being ploughed into the country’s development, with the Federal Executive Council recently approving USD190-million for the construction of roads. A host of other large-scale infrastructure and construction projects, including rail, retail, new trade zones and cities are also on the way.

“These development plans are creating huge demand for international suppliers to bring their products and technologies into the country, where there is a real thirst for the knowledge and innovation our exhibitors can offer,” says White.

Exhibitors and visitors alike will find features familiar from The Big 5 throughout The Big 5 Construct Nigeria. Alongside the international and domestic exhibitors, the event will include free-to-attend CPD workshops and seminars to update attendees on the latest industry innovations, best practices and practical ideas. These certified workshops will be delivered by experienced professionals ready to share ideas with an audience eager to learn. Other features include specialised zones that enable visitors to rapidly find and research the products they are looking for, live demonstrations and plenty of opportunity to network with industry peers.

The Big 5 Construct Nigeria is the latest geo-adaptation of one of dmg events core brands. This strategic process has seen the company launch adapted versions of its successful and established Dubai events across the Middle East and Asia, while also expanding into Africa.