The City of Cape Town’s Portfolio Committee chairperson for human settlements, Councillor Anda Ntsodo, and the Portfolio Committee members met with the Western Cape Government (WCG) Department of Human Settlements.
Councillor Ntsodo and the Portfolio Committee members discussed a variety of Human Settlements matters with WCG officials including MEC Tertuis Simmers. The project funding process, the progress of both the WCG’s and the City’s housing projects, and the selection of beneficiaries were discussed.
“It was pleasing to have these discussions, share learnings and compare notes with the WCG Department of Human Settlements about the many housing projects across the metro and the various matters which impact them. We have a strong partnership and look forward to continuing along this path of collaboration.
“The City allocated R2,8 billion for the City’s Human Settlements Directorate over three years, according to the 2022/23 Budget. It will include a budget for work on informal settlements upgrades and the enhancement of basic services, public housing maintenance, and Breaking New Ground housing across the metro. As the Portfolio Committee, we help to hold the City to account and have oversight over the plans in action.
“The discussion at this meeting was in line with our Human Settlements Strategy which advocates for a more diverse, innovative and partnership-driven approach to the delivery of more affordable accommodation options for residents. The Human Settlements Directorate has a number of projects at various stages in areas across the metro and we will continue to work together with the WCG where required,” said Councillor Ntsodo.
Housing Needs Register
Beneficiaries of City housing projects will be selected in accordance with the City’s Housing Allocation Policy and Housing Needs Register to ensure housing opportunities are made available in a fair and transparent manner that prevents queue jumping and to those who qualify for housing as per the South African legislation. The City’s political office bearers do not have access to or influence over the Register and its qualifying beneficiaries.
Register on the City’s Housing Needs Register and keep your contact details up to date:
For more information on the various housing programmes and the qualifying criteria, visit this page.
Anonymous tip-offs welcomed: Residents can give anonymous tip-offs if they are aware of illegal activity that is taking place; that has happened or is still to happen. Please call 112 from a cell phone (toll free) and 107 from a landline or 021 480 7700 for emergencies.