By Rory Macnamara
This new affordable housing development is well placed behind the Northgate Mall and well positioned for traffic routes, schools, and shopping centres.

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- North-facing
Photo by © SA Affordable Housing | Rory Macnamara
Ideally suited for a young couple or single person or a small family, the apartments are available for rental or for sale.
The development has 42 apartments, two bedroom and two bathrooms, main en suite with bath and shower and second bathroom, shower only. At 100 sq. mt the apartment is spacious with entrance, open plan kitchen. Living room enclosed patio and parking.
In keeping with SANS 10400 XA where 50% of hot water must be generated by alternative electrical source, hot water is supplied by PV solar on all the roofs, which in turn feeds the hot water storage tank. One of the kitchen cupboards, which would be used as a broom cupboard, houses the hot water cylinder. Neat idea – so no more climbing in the ceiling to reach the storage tank.
All compulsory standards were adhered to.
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- second-bathroom-
Photo by © SA Affordable Housing | Rory Macnamara
Construction and project management was handled in house and completion of the development was scheduled for May 2021. Despite Covid and rain, the team achieved this deadline.
The development financing came from CIB Nedbank Property Finance who are a funding partner to the Alleyroads Group, the developer.
Alleysroads Group, who has developed more than 3 000 affordable units in the past 12 years, is a level 2 BEE company and its portfolio is made up of affordable housing 54%, Social Housing 7%, land ownership including WIP 31%, upmarket housing 6% and commercial properties 2%.
The group is also a development partner with the SHRA and are aiming at building 3 200 social housing units over the next eight years, and a further 10 000 affordable housing units over the next ten years.
“Alleysroads Group aims at building 3 200 social housing units over the next eight years, and a further 10 000 affordable housing units over the next ten years.”
- open-kitchen
Photo by © SA Affordable Housing | Rory Macnamara