The City of Cape Town has constructed 14 roads in Imizamo Yethu in the far south. Apart from making it much easier for local residents to reach their destinations, the new roads also serve as important access routes for emergency vehicles.

Credit: EWN
The City’s Transport and Urban Development Authority commenced with the project in June 2016. About R38-million was spent on the realignment and construction of the roads, the installation of stormwater infrastructure, new sidewalks and walkways where the road reserves were wide enough and street lights.
“Roads are an essential component of urban living. Roads make it easier and safer for people to move around, be it in vehicles or on foot. Roads also create a sense of place and dignity, meaning it provides structure and something as simple as a street address to those who reside along them,” says the City’s mayoral committee member for Transport and Urban Development, Cllr Brett Herron.
“I have always regarded the roads project in Imizamo Yethu as one of the most important on our to-do-list, because now that these roads are finally completed, it will fundamentally change how residents live and move around in this section of Imizamo Yethu.
“Where the road reserves were wide enough, we constructed sidewalks for pedestrians. This is no simple matter as children and residents now have a safe space for walking which they need not share with vehicles. We have also installed street lights which assist residents in feeling safer when they have to walk to their destinations after dark.
“The importance of stormwater infrastructure is also often overlooked. Without stormwater infrastructure, roads turn into rivers during downpours, homes are flooded, and neighbourhoods are cut off from emergency assistance. Without stormwater infrastructure, roads will eventually fail completely. Therefore, I believe the 14 new roads and the other services that form part of this project will go a long way in improving the living conditions of those who reside there,” concludes Herron.