Plascon’s latest addition to its durable exterior coatings range, Plascon TradePro Roof & More, offers more benefits than ever – all in one product.

It is the world’s first all-in-one roof paint and acrylic water proofer to offer a 10-year guarantee for both benefits, delivering the ultimate sun and rain protection solution to renewing, maintaining, and protecting roofs.  It is also available in eight modern, long-lasting colours.

What makes the product even more remarkable is that it is Africa’s first roof paint to be entirely free of the harmful APEO chemical compounds. APEO compounds are persistent and bio-accumulative when released into the environment and toxic to human and wildlife, especially marine life. All other conventional roof paints contain APEO compounds that, over time, are washed into the environment and eventually contaminate the soil, water tables, rivers and ultimately, our oceans. For this reason, many European Union and other countries have banned the use of APEOs.

According to Dr Kevin Winter from the University of Cape Town’s Future Water Organisation: “APEOs found in freshwater systems are toxic to aquatic organisms. In large doses, APEOs even have the potential to disrupt human hormonal systems. APEOs are discharged into freshwater systems from stormwater runoff and sewage works. They are found in a variety of products including paints, packaging, and cleaning agents.  There is nearly 20 years of research available on the environmental impact of APEOs on waterbodies.”