The City of Cape Town’s Human Settlements Directorate completed its draft Integrated Human Settlements Sector Plan and the comment period is officially open to members of the public.

Image credit: Henry Becerra | Unsplash
The aim of the Integrated Human Settlements Sector Plan is to outline the City’s implementation plan in providing for the housing needs of the steadily growing and increasingly urbanised population over the next five years. Read more below:
The National Housing Act 107 of 1997 requires that all municipalities must plan to facilitate the delivery of housing opportunities as part of their overall plan for their municipality. The City’s plan outlines the vision and strategies of the City towards urban development and place making through housing provision.
The comment period is from 7 February to 8 March 2022, and we encourage residents to submit their comments to us.
‘The Integrated Human Settlements Sector Plan is being developed as a component of the City’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and therefore outlines the Human Settlements contribution to the City’s five-year Integrated Development Plan for the new term of office from 2022 to 2027.
‘The Integrated Human Settlements Sector Plan is aligned to the international, national, provincial and City legislation, policies and strategies within the human settlements, spatial and built environment context to ensure a holistic view towards the development of integrated human settlements.
‘The City encourages residents to look through the Integrated Human Settlements Sector Plan and to submit their comments to us through the official channels,’ said Councillor Malusi Booi, Mayoral Committee Member for Human Settlements.
Access the documents:
Draft Integrated Human Settlements Sector Plan (IHSSP)
IHSSP Executive Summaries (English | Afrikaans | isiXhosa)
You can also access the executive summaries of the plans at:
Have your say:
Submit your comments online.
In person:
Visit your nearest subcouncil office to complete and submit a comment form.
Deliver your written comment by hand to your nearest subcouncil office or City library.
Send your comments to 063 299 9927
Our Public Participation Unit will assist you if you would like to submit comments and have a disability or are unable to read or write. Please contact:
Zandile Mahlasela: 021 400 5501
For more information, contact us via email: