November / December 2020 – The conveyancer’s options when the Deeds Office rejects deeds for the wrong reason: Part 2

By Gert Minnaar What remedies has a conveyancer when an examiner at the Deeds Office rejects a deed for the wrong reasons? The first part of this article appeared in the September issue of SA [...]

2020-11-25T07:43:55+00:00October 27th, 2020|Legal Matters|

September / October 2020 – The conveyancer’s options when the Deeds Office rejects deeds for the wrong reason: Part 1

By Gert Minnaar Whatever the public may have to say about civil servants, having worked as a junior and senior examiner in the Pretoria Deeds Office from the middle 1980s for four years, I can [...]

2020-11-12T09:46:09+00:00September 19th, 2020|Legal Matters|

March / April 2020 – Charging developers for installation of services: A new approach

By Maryna Botha Municipalities’ revenue collection increasingly poses challenges, partly because collection systems are not uniform and transparent, and also because financial management systems remain weak, as evidenced by the R130-billion owed to municipalities for [...]

2020-09-18T06:43:06+00:00September 18th, 2020|Legal Matters|
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